Allied Academies

Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Unraveling the Mysteries of Cancer and Oncology Research

Welcome Note

We gladly invite all international participants to the 2nd International Conferenceon Molecular Biology and Stem Cells, which will be held in Virtual form on 13-14 July, 2022 with the theme of  "Unraveling the Mysteries of Cancer and Oncology Research". This social event provides a chance to network with the world's best experts in disciplines such as Molecular Biology, Stem Cell Research, Genetics, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, and others.

Molecular Biology 2022 cordially invites researchers and developers, as well as professionals studying or analyzing in the fields of molecular biology, Stem cell biology, genetics, regenerative medicine, Cell biology, Biochemistry, and other related fields, to attend the event and gain knowledge about the latest research and advancements in molecular biology and stem cell analysis. The keynote lectures, session talks, oral presentations, poster presentations, and B2B networking will all be part of this conference.
The goal of this international conference is to promote recent advancements in molecular biology and stem cell treatment research, as well as cell and gene therapy, as novel therapeutic methods. The conference will also encourage and assist young scientists working in the disciplines of Molecular Biology and Stem Cell Research to keep up with the latest developments.
We strongly believe that Molecular Biology 2022 will serve as a worldwide forum for Molecular Biology and Stem Cell Research, resulting in new opportunities.

With Regards,
Organizing Committee
Molecular Biology 2022

Market Analysis

Molecular Biology is an interdisciplinary field that combines engineering and life science principles to create biological substitutes that heal, maintain, or improve the function of a tissue or an entire organ. Regenerative medicine is a multidisciplinary field. It's defined as a treatment that "replaces or regenerates human cells, tissues, or organs in order to restore or develop the normal function." By increasing the demand for long-term care and lowering associated illnesses, regenerative medicine may theoretically save money for public health agencies, with significant advantages for the whole world economy.
The global market for genetic engineering and regeneration was valued at $19 billion in 2020. This market is anticipated to expand at a 22.3 percent annual compound growth rate from roughly $21.8 billion in 2022 to $56.9 billion in 2028 (CAGR). Geographically, Europe is the world's second-largest market for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. In the realm of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, and Germany have significant market shares. The biggest tissue engineering market trends in Europe are represented by Spain and Italy.

Past Conference Report

With the enormous pleasure, We would like to thank all the keynote speakers, plenary speakers, young researchers, students, business delegates and media partners for making Molecular Biology 2019 is a glorious and victorious event.
AAC hosted a joint event of 2nd International Conference on Molecular Biology and Stem Cells2nd International Conference on Tissue Science and Regenerative Medicine and 2nd International Conference on Separation Techniques during June 06-07, 2019 at Park Inn by Radisson Hotel & Conference Centre London Heathrow with the theme “Novel Technologies on Molecular Biology and Stem Cells” “Future directions and frontiers of Regenerative Medicine”, and "Launching Innovative Ideas and Technologies of Separation Techniques".
Gracious response and active participation were received from the Editorial Board Members of supporting International Journals as well as from the leading academic scientists, researchers, research scholars, students, and leaders from the fields  Molecular Biology and Stem Cells who made this event was successful.
The Scientists, Business Delegates, Young researchers marked the attendance at the conference representing more than 50 countries, have driven the conference path to a great success.
The conference abstracts were given with DOI numbers in the Journal of Biomedical Research: Current Research. The conference was embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of interesting keynote and plenary lectures delivered by both Honorable Guests and members of the organizing committee. Finally, the day ended up with Poster sessions and a student were given the best poster award as judged by the keynote speakers.
The conference enlightened the various areas of Molecular Biology and Stem Cells with keynote, plenary, young researcher forum, accepted abstracts, and poster presenters from various universities and organizations like:
  • Jean Walrond | The Sickle Cell Foundation of Alberta (SCFA) | Canada
  • George Mason University | USA
  • Alexander Seifalian | NanoRegMed Ltd | UK
  • Antonello Petrella | University of Salerno | Italy
  • Dennis M Lox | Sports and Regenerative Medicine Centers | USA
  • Danny Baranes | Ariel University | Israel
  • Mahesh Shivaji Chavan | Dr. D Y Patil l Vidyapeeth | India
  • Noura Alzahofi | University of Nottingham | UK
  • Raniah Al Eid | King Saud University | Saudi Arabia
  • Jakob Schmid | Munich University of Applied Sciences | Germany
  • Ayyub Patel | King Khalid University | Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. SureshVatsyayann | Waikato University | New Zealand
  • ShixiangWang | Chinese Academy of Sciences | Shanghai, China
  • VasilinaSergeeva | Research Centre for Medical Genetics | Russia
  • Elly NGAN |Department of Surgery | The University of Hong Kong
  • Vivek P.Shah | Northwestern University | USA
  • Dr. SergeySuchkov | Sechenov University | Russia
  • DeokateGanesh Dnyaneshwar | Executive formulation Research & Development | India
  • BatoulHussein Jishi | American University of Beirut | Lebanon
  • DebasishMaiti | Tripura University | India
  • DimitriosKarussis | Hebrew University | Jerusalem
  • Sadek FaroukQueiri | Harvard Medical School |USA
  • SUMA WIRAWAN| Udayana University | Italy
  • Dr.P.TripuraSundari | Osmania University | India
  • Wamdah Ahmed Mohamed | Sudan University of Science & Technology | Sudan
  • Dr. Stefaan Verhulst | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium
  • Dr. Anjali | Jamia Hamdard University | India
  • Dennis M Lox| Sports and Regenerative Medicine Centers | USA
  • Kristen Ashlee Robinson | University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center | USA
  • Dr.Ahmed G.Hegazi | National Research Center | Egypt
  • Dr. Giulio Tarro | Foundation de Beaumont Bonelli for cancer research | Italy
  • Dr. Yukio Yoneda |Kanazawa University | Japan
  • Dr. Marina Tarunina |Research director | UK
  • Dr. Alireza Heidari |California South University | USA
    Once again, we would like to thank our fabulous Organizing committee members and the attendees for their gracious presence by facilitating the supported conference with active discussion forums and assistance towards the success of Molecular Biology 2019.
    Molecular Biology 2019, with its grand success, AAC is happy to announce that the "3rd International Conference on Molecular Biology and Stem Cells” is scheduled for October 12-132020 in AustriaVienna.



To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 13-14, 2022
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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